Digital Health

HIMSS APAC Digital Dialogue Series: Episode 3

The third episode of the HIMSS APAC Digital Dialogue Series was hosted by HIMSS Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Charles Alessi, who spoke with Dr. Hwang Hee, Chief Information Officer of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital—a HIMSS Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) Stage 7 validated hospital—and Ms. Dong-hee Kim, Country Leader, Philips, Korea to find out just how measures like mass testing, contact-tracing and digital health technologies have played critical roles in tapering the outbreak.

Learning Objectives

  • Review the strategies employed by SNUBH to fight COVID-19 through Healthcare ICT in cooperation with the South Korean government
  • Explore how connected care solutions can support optimizing clinician’s workflow and journey inside of negative pressure room or intensive care units to reduce the risk of infection and burnout during COVID-19 outbreak
  • Demonstrate how virtual collaborative diagnosis can contribute towards enhancing the quality of care

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