
Improving Data Interoperability and Integration to Support Value-Based Care: Lessons from Stakeholder Interviews

In value-based models of health care delivery, providers are financially rewarded or penalized based on the quality of care they provide to patients, typically measured by patient outcomes. The specifics of value-based care models can take several forms, but in many cases—such as accountable care organizations (ACOs)—they involve risk-sharing or shared savings arrangements between multiple payer and provider organizations. To achieve the goals of value-based care, all involved organizations must be able to effectively share and integrate data from multiple sources.

Join the HIMSS Interoperability & HIE Community as experts in this area discuss a recent study that aims to inform efforts to support and improve data integration to support value-based care. The findings are based on qualitative case study interviews with individuals across 21 organizations selected based on evidence of advanced data integration or value-based care. These stakeholder interviews focused on the current state of data integration, the uses of data integration in value-based care, and the barriers and facilitators for data integration. 

This project was supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT.

Learning Objectives

  • Classify the factors that differentiate between higher and lower levels of data integration
  • Describe the use cases and activities associated with data integration to support value-based care
  • Evaluate barriers and facilitators to data integration through a technical, organizational and environmental factor framework
  • Discuss various policy and organizational interventions that could further promote data integration


  • Fred Blavin, Principal Researcher, The Urban Institute
  • Gary Ozanich, Senior Consultant, HealthTech Solutions

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